AJ is an expert at targeted advertising and building brand organically on LinkedIN.
Hear the 3 ways to effectively use LinkedIN
I started B2Linked.com, an agency that specializes in account management and consulting with LinkedIn Ads back in 2014. Our team now consists of 4 full-time ad experts and a small army of part-timers. Together, we manage the largest LinkedIn Ads accounts worldwide (as well as some of the smallest and everything in between). We're the only agency that's an official Certified LinkedIn Partner.
We make LinkedIn Ads both highly profitable and scalable.
I started B2Linked because I developed marketing strategies that all B2B companies can and should be taking advantage of. An agency was the best format to share those strategies, so B2Linked was born.
To date, we've managed hundreds of LinkedIn Ads accounts, spent over $110M+ on the platform, and have managed 4 of LinkedIn's top 10 spenders.
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