155 Removing Fear and Selfishness during a Crisis – Coach Kyle Draper on Path to Mastery Podcast
How to keep your mindset strong during challenging times.
Top Takeaways
Find and focus on a mindset of abundance
Stop being selfish and focus on others
Focus on faith instead of fear
Look to find the opportunities
Come from a place of gratitude
Create a routine of positivity
It’s a time to be smart
Coach Kyle Draper is “the breath of fresh air” the real estate industry desperately needs. While most are just coaching Realtors to perfect their craft and buy leads, Kyle reminds Realtors that it’s in the organic aspect of social media where the most opportunity is being left on the table.
Kyle blends his decade as a student pastor with his experience in the social media and real estate space to create a one of a kind experience.
Kyle has helped Realtors attract millions of dollars in buyers and sellers without spending a dime and often without even having to mention real estate.
After spending time with Coach Kyle, you will leave educated, empowered and ready to take your influence beyond where it’s ever been!
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